Proposed Revision to Association Constitution October 25, 2024
In the July 2024 newsletter, the Association Board proposed to raise annual member dues from $15 to $25 to address deficit spending. The current dues rate of $15 is explicitly set in the Association Constitution, so changing this rate will require an amendment to the Constitution.
The Board believes other elements of the Constitution also need revision and that making all revisions at one time will be the simplest and most efficient approach. Therefore, the Board is proposing the set of revisions listed below.
The overall purpose of these revisions is to simplify and add flexibility to managing the Association. We are a social organization aimed at enhancing personal connections and having fun—our processes should be easy and based on the flexibility that comes with good communication and good will.
To that end, the Board proposes these changes to the Association Constitution:
Change wording on “purpose” of the Association to better reflect our broader mission of maintaining connections and awareness among retirees;
Add flexibility to definition of members and management of member rolls;
Change the “Past President” from ex-officio Director to an additional Officer on the Board, and increasing their term from 1 to 2 years, keeping Board member numbers stable across all years at 8;
Clarify roles of Board members and eliminating confusion about roles of “Directors” versus “Board of Directors;”
Add flexibility and clarity to how members may vote in elections of Board positions;
Remove a specified dues amount and provide for dues to be set by a majority vote of the Board following notice and feedback from members;
Broaden and provide flexibility to allowable uses of dues for the benefit of members; and
Provide for amendments to the Constitution to be approved by a super-majority of the Board (6 of 8 members) following notice and feedback from members.
Specific changes to wording of the existing Constitution and the proposed revised Constitution with changes accepted and highlighted may be reviewed at the Association’s website at the following links:
The Board intends to put these proposed revisions to a member vote at the annual business meeting to be held on December 12, 2024.
We welcome your feedback and input on this proposal through the Contact Us button on our website or by contacting Association President Tim Mersmann.